
Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network

Human trafficking is a violation of human rights. We are a diverse group who respect each other’s differences and commit to work together for the rights of trafficked persons. 
The mandate of the Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network is to provide a comprehensive response to human trafficking in the Toronto area. The response is to be provided in a collaborative manner with governmental and non-governmental organizations, agencies and individuals. These partners shall be committed to work towards the elimination of the crime of human trafficking, while facilitating services and protection to trafficked persons through a holistic approach based on human rights and the needs of each individual.  

While acknowledging the experiences and needs of domestically-trafficked persons, we focus our efforts to address the protection and service needs of non-citizens trafficked in or through Canada, given the lack of a comprehensive response to their plight. However, in collaboration and partnership with organizations serving domestically-trafficked persons, the network will accommodate the needs of those populations to the best extent possible. 

Our mandate is fulfilled through meeting the following objectives:

- awareness-raising aimed at educating Toronto communities,  businesses and governing agencies about the extent of human trafficking in our city, Canada and worldwide;
- facilitate  assistance to trafficked persons in a coordinated human rights based approach through an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and participatory framework;
- capacity-building among stakeholders, including training to organizations providing social, health and protection services who are likely to interact with trafficked persons;
- collaboration with key stakeholders and networks in Ontario and other provinces to enhance the partnerships and advocacy on behalf of trafficked persons;
- fundraising to continue the efforts of the network.

The Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network (TCHTN) is committed to work towards the elimination of human trafficking in Canada and abroad, and to address the plight of trafficked persons through a holistic, human rights-based approach, focused on the needs of trafficked persons.

Guiding Principles
The following principles should guide the response to human trafficking:
  • Non-punitive: Measures must not penalize trafficked persons
  • Human rights: Measures must be guided by, and be respectful of the human rights of trafficked persons
  • Economic rights: Measures must be guided by, and be respectful of the economic rights of trafficked persons
  • Supportive services: There is a need for supportive services for trafficked persons
  • Anti-racist anti-oppressive feminist approach: A gender, race and anti-oppression analysis should be included in any consideration of trafficking issues
  • Inclusive of trafficked persons: Discussions about and activities for trafficked persons should include trafficked persons themselves
  • Needs-based approach: The focus of the response should be based on the needs of trafficked persons
  • Collaborative response: All services should be provided in open and forthright collaboration with all relevant agencies/organizations
The membership of the network is representative of various sectors and organizations, both governmental, non-governmental and individuals within the Toronto area. It reflects the racial and cultural diversity of Toronto communities. The membership is open to organizations and individuals with knowledge, expertise or interests related to human trafficking. Members can be core or associate.
Core members actively participate in all meetings and activities undertaken by the Network, have voting rights and participate in various roles in the different sub-committees and other bodies of the network. 
Responsibilities of the core members include:
  • Support and comply with the guiding principles which inform the response to human trafficking;
  • Participate in meetings, conference calls or other communications undertaken by the Network;
  • Help to plan, design, promote and implement the actions and activities decided by the Network;
  • Participate in sub-committees and other bodies established by the Network.
Associate members do not participate in meetings and decision making processes undertaken by the Network. They do not have voting rights. Associate members can receive updates as well as education/training opportunities available through the Network.      
The number and focus of sub-committees is decided by the Network depending on the need. Sub-committee membership consists of core network members on a voluntary base. 
The network can develop partnerships with other networks, organizations and agencies to further the objectives established in its mandate. The Network can be represented on the board of any decision making and/or other bodies of the above partners. 
Every effort will be made to preserve the confidentiality of the information about trafficked persons, investigation of trafficking cases and similar information that becomes available to the Network through its activities.  
Frequency of meetings and communications
Meetings of the Network are held every two months on a date announced in advance in a manner to suit the schedules of the members. Meetings of the Sub-committees might be called every month on a date announced in advance in a manner to suit the schedules of the members. Meeting locations will be decided in advance depending on the availability of space.   
Communication with members are conducted through emails, Skype and telephone calls. The number of conference calls are decided upon depending on the need and in a manner that works for the members. Content drafts shall be sent via email between meetings for feedback and questions.

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