Peer Street Outreach Workers
JOB POSTING for 3 Peer Harm Reduction Workers
(women – trans inclusive)*
Saints Church-Community Centre is committed to providing a safe and
nurturing environment, while enhancing the well-being of homeless and
street-involved individuals. The Sex
Worker’s Drop-in Centre was created two years ago and provides programs to
address the impact that discrimination, poverty, violence and drug use have on
the lives of the women it serves. Based on a harm reduction perspective, the
drop-in centre provides programming and support, counselling and advocacy to
women involved in the sex industry. Programming includes: nursing care and
health services; social work support; provision of warm meals; sexual health
workshops; and personal rights training sessions. PROS(Providing Resources, Offering Support)
All Saints newest initiative, provides support, advocacy, counselling and
programming to women and youth that have been exploited in the sex industry. We
work to educate other service providers, community members and our greater
society about issues of commercial sexual exploitation in Toronto, while
contributing to policies that transform public perception and enhance people’s
rights and safety.
* provide street based outreach to street-involved sex workers and at risk
women & youth for one 5 hour shift per week as part of our Sex Worker’s
Drop In (shifts are Fridays 6:30 – 11:30 am)
* as a Harm Reduction team member, the Peer Outreach worker helps to plan new
program activities
A Street Outreach Shift includes:
* handing out harm reduction materials & information, such as condoms,
needles, safer crack use kits
* providing support, education, and referrals to health & community
* keeping track of supplies given out and the number of people met on a
* taking part in team talks about trends seen on a shift with staff, students
& volunteers
* Peers are expected to attend biweekly supervision with program social worker
The positions are a 6 month contract which is dependent on program funding and
pays $15.00 per hour for a maximum of 5hrs/week per person.
Please call or email Jolene at 416-368-7768
ext. 24 or by 5:00pm Friday September 20, 2013 to
apply for the position and arrange an interview time.
*3 positions available for
women (trans inclusive) that have lived experience with sex work, sex
trafficking, and/or drug use.