Thursday, September 26, 2013

Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network

Roundtable: Building Collaboration to Combat Human Trafficking in the City of Toronto

Date: 28 and 29 October 2013
Venue: Toronto Harbour Light Ministries, 160 Jarvis Str. (at Queen Str.)
Time: 9am to 5pm
Fee: $10 (for both days)

This is the first of a series of roundtables aiming to facilitate the dialogue between multi-sector stakeholders to address the issue of human trafficking in the City of Toronto.

Day one
Series of panel presentations by multi‐sector stakeholders who dedicate their work to counter human trafficking followed by a discussion.

Day two
Working group discussions to initiate a dialogue on policy development.

SPACES ARE LIMITED! Register by sending email at with your name indicating if attending both days. If attending only one day please SPECIFY WHICH DAY (for catering purposes).

Payment method:

CREDIT CARD go to Eventbrite ($10+$1.59 on line fee):

CASH or CHECK pay at the door

Lunch will be provided

 Subsidies are available for people who cannot pay the registration fee
For more information contact:
Varka Kalaydzhieva at 416-469-9754, ext.222 or

The event is funded by the City of Toronto    

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